Mothers Day SMS
The list of Mothers Day SMS Collections which you can share with anyone.
M - For the MILLION things she gave me,
O - For she’s growing OLD,
T - For the TEARS she shed to save me,
H - For her HEART of purest gold,
E - For her EYES, with love-light shining,
R - For she is always RIGHT and always be.
Make for me a place within your heart
On which I can depend. For only you
Touch the ancient wellsprings of my tears,
Home through all the wanderings of my years,
Eden that no other can renew,
Root I cannot rend through rage or art.
A mother serves her sugar with
A bit of peppermint
To clarify the passages
That carry what she meant
When she first set to bear a soul
Quite separate from her own,
Whom she would cherish, yet must teach
To live and die alone.
I luv u mom
having u makes me feel safe & calm
I miss u mom
Missing touches 2 my face with ur chapped palm
u r the greatest
because u r my mom
Happy Mother's Day
means more than flowers and gifts
It means saying thank you
It means I love you
You are my mother, my friend
Today is your day!
Many hugs
Only luv never anger
Teaching me
Helping me
Every smile when I was sad
Raising me to be strong
It spells Mother. Thanks for being u.
For the best mom
who always had a smile for me
I know we may be far apart right now
So here's a great big hug and kiss
Happy Mother's Day
You've seen me laugh
You've seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
But thanks and I love you
Happy Mother's Day
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