Not everyone has someone they call Mom. Many kids have more than one person to call Mom.
Some thoughts and ideas on spending Mother's Day with the different people you can call Mom
In May many kids will be celebrating Mother's Day with their Mom. Not all kids are fortunate enough to have their mom with them. Other kids face the conflict of having more then one person in their life they call mom.
Some kids have lost their moms tragically through death. Mother's Day can be a very difficult time if you have.
Feelings of loss and the need to grieve for your mother are very normal. There are some excellent resources online for kids to help you through this time. There are also places you can contact other kids who know what you are going through.
Divorce can also separate a child from their mother. It is not uncommon for dad's to have custody of kids. Some kids will celebrate Mother's Day with their dads. In some cases, dad is the one who fills the 'mom' roll. Honoring your dad for his commitment as a 'mom' as well as a dad at Mother's Day, is ok.
In other situations you may live with dad, but want to be with your mom for Mother's Day, which can sometimes cause conflicts. Talk to your Dad. He may understand why you might want to spend time with mom on this day.
Some kids might have two moms to share the holiday with. Your birth mom and your step mom. It can be a tough choice to have to decide who to spend the day with if you have a good relationship with both 'moms'. Step moms can understand why you might want to spend the day with your birth mom while still acknowledging that they are important to you as well.
Kids who are adopted may have two moms to celebrate the day with. You might celebrate Mother's Day and Birth Mother's Day. Some kids of adoption celebrate the day with their adopted mom, the only mom they have ever known.
Some kids have Foster Moms who deserve recognition at this time of year. As well, Grandmother's often fulfill the roll of 'mom'.
Other people who have become 'mom like' to you might include Big Sisters, the volunteer organization that provides mentoring for children. You may have a female mentor from another organization that you look up to like a 'mom'. Some teachers can fill the roll of a mom to kids.
Whatever your circumstance, don't be afraid to tell the person who you feel fills a 'mom like' roll in your life, how much they mean to you on this special day.
If you wanted to send Mother's card days for a few of the above relationships . Check out these Mom's day cards and show your expressions to your Mother on this day.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Happy Mother's day Virtual Flash Cards
Mothers make excellent Friends ! On Mothers day make this day special by wishing your Mom and telling her how fortunate you are to have your Mom as your friend . You can send these Flash Mother's day cards and wish her a Happy Mother's day . Also you can send all your women friends who are Mother's.
Tips For Single Mothers
Single Parenting - 7 Tips for Handling the Double Load
By Debbie Eisenstadt Mandel
Albert Einstein described the three rules of work:
* Out of clutter find simplicity
* From discord find harmony
* In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity
Apparently, he was addressing the single parent. A single parent has to clean out the clutter, not just the physical mess, but the mental clutter. The discord that could arise from balancing work, child care and dating needs to be transformed into positive energy. In the middle of these great challenges lies the opportunity for a single parent to be creative and happy.
One does not take a licensing exam, or get a prescription to become a parent and there is no warning label either. Alright, everyone knows how hard the job is, here are seven tips to de-stress, find your balance, and live fully.
1. Express your true feelings. Say no when you don't feel like doing something. When you say no, you set positive boundaries and say yes to self-esteem. Being assertive does not mean that you are aggressive. Ask for help from family, friends and babysitters. Align yourself with affirming people who lift your spirits and make you feel better just being around them. Attend or develop a single-parenting support group.
2. Simplify your existence. Write a daily list to break large tasks into manageable chunks. If you find housework overwhelming, break that into manageable tasks, too. For example, every weekend clean and organize one closet or cabinet at a time. Clean out your pocket book. Don't let mail, bills, inessentials pile up. Keep things you need within reach, i.e. keys by the door, or stamps, address book and tape in a specific place. Cook multiple portions of meals and freeze leftovers. Use an answering machine to screen phone calls. Write a to-do list with the most difficult tasks first.
3. Schedule time for you on your calendar!! Before you became a parent, you were a person and guess what you still are. Do something pleasurable for yourself everyday. Here are some possibilities: an auto massage with warm olive oil, a desert tea and a portion controlled treat-preferably fruit, curling up with a good book, or turn your bathroom into a spa retreat with scented candles and a warm bath. Treat yourself to flowers. The color orange triggers cheerfulness.
4. Exercise away your stress, release endorphins, boost energy levels even when you are tired and bring you back to the moment. The moment is very important for a single parent. When a single parent goes to work, he or she worries about the job, co-workers and supervisors, and takes the child(ren) mentally to work. If one just does the job, one does not come home tired. Being in the moment is a great stress reducer and a source of energy. An energy booster translates to better interaction with children. By the way you can exercise with the kids or use them as weights lifting them and lowering!
5. Keep a stress file. Clip articles on stress management and take notes on what you read and hear to help you handle your personal stress. Memorize an affirmation to uplift your mood-when you memorize, it is readily available during tumultuous times.
6. Let go of the myth of perfection. Don't be so accommodating to everyone. Change your vocabulary from "I should" to "I could." Choice provides empowerment.
7. Cultivate a comic eye. Pretend your life is a sit com. If it were happening to someone else, I am sure you would be laughing. Humor activates the immune system, elevates serotonin, and cheers everyone up around you. Release your inner child with your child. Try to be more playful. The more you practice, the more it becomes second nature.
Become aware of your earliest physical symptoms of stress before you erupt. Some of us experience headaches, stomach aches, backaches or just plain irritability. When that happens begin to practice conscious breathing, inhale two counts through the nose and exhale four counts through the nose. Then objectify the conflict or situation and reinterpret it with compassion and forgiveness. Reinterpreting will help you turn stress into strength and keep you in the moment. A happy parent means a happy child. It is your moral obligation to be happy…
Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of "Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul," a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer at Brooklyn College. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WLIE 540 AM in Long Island and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media. To learn more visit:
By Debbie Eisenstadt Mandel
Albert Einstein described the three rules of work:
* Out of clutter find simplicity
* From discord find harmony
* In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity
Apparently, he was addressing the single parent. A single parent has to clean out the clutter, not just the physical mess, but the mental clutter. The discord that could arise from balancing work, child care and dating needs to be transformed into positive energy. In the middle of these great challenges lies the opportunity for a single parent to be creative and happy.
One does not take a licensing exam, or get a prescription to become a parent and there is no warning label either. Alright, everyone knows how hard the job is, here are seven tips to de-stress, find your balance, and live fully.
1. Express your true feelings. Say no when you don't feel like doing something. When you say no, you set positive boundaries and say yes to self-esteem. Being assertive does not mean that you are aggressive. Ask for help from family, friends and babysitters. Align yourself with affirming people who lift your spirits and make you feel better just being around them. Attend or develop a single-parenting support group.
2. Simplify your existence. Write a daily list to break large tasks into manageable chunks. If you find housework overwhelming, break that into manageable tasks, too. For example, every weekend clean and organize one closet or cabinet at a time. Clean out your pocket book. Don't let mail, bills, inessentials pile up. Keep things you need within reach, i.e. keys by the door, or stamps, address book and tape in a specific place. Cook multiple portions of meals and freeze leftovers. Use an answering machine to screen phone calls. Write a to-do list with the most difficult tasks first.
3. Schedule time for you on your calendar!! Before you became a parent, you were a person and guess what you still are. Do something pleasurable for yourself everyday. Here are some possibilities: an auto massage with warm olive oil, a desert tea and a portion controlled treat-preferably fruit, curling up with a good book, or turn your bathroom into a spa retreat with scented candles and a warm bath. Treat yourself to flowers. The color orange triggers cheerfulness.
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| How You Do It All On Your Own Mother!... Express how amazing you find to see her handle everything so easily with this beautiful mother's dayecard. [ Flash ] |
| Happy Mother's Day. With this special and warm moms day ecard say 'Love You' to your mom or someone dear on Mother's Day. [ Postcard ] |
4. Exercise away your stress, release endorphins, boost energy levels even when you are tired and bring you back to the moment. The moment is very important for a single parent. When a single parent goes to work, he or she worries about the job, co-workers and supervisors, and takes the child(ren) mentally to work. If one just does the job, one does not come home tired. Being in the moment is a great stress reducer and a source of energy. An energy booster translates to better interaction with children. By the way you can exercise with the kids or use them as weights lifting them and lowering!
5. Keep a stress file. Clip articles on stress management and take notes on what you read and hear to help you handle your personal stress. Memorize an affirmation to uplift your mood-when you memorize, it is readily available during tumultuous times.
6. Let go of the myth of perfection. Don't be so accommodating to everyone. Change your vocabulary from "I should" to "I could." Choice provides empowerment.
7. Cultivate a comic eye. Pretend your life is a sit com. If it were happening to someone else, I am sure you would be laughing. Humor activates the immune system, elevates serotonin, and cheers everyone up around you. Release your inner child with your child. Try to be more playful. The more you practice, the more it becomes second nature.
Become aware of your earliest physical symptoms of stress before you erupt. Some of us experience headaches, stomach aches, backaches or just plain irritability. When that happens begin to practice conscious breathing, inhale two counts through the nose and exhale four counts through the nose. Then objectify the conflict or situation and reinterpret it with compassion and forgiveness. Reinterpreting will help you turn stress into strength and keep you in the moment. A happy parent means a happy child. It is your moral obligation to be happy…
Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of "Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul," a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer at Brooklyn College. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WLIE 540 AM in Long Island and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media. To learn more visit:
Monday, April 23, 2007
Mother's Day Gift Ideas
You hear it every year. Mom telling you she doesn't need a gift to show her how much you care. This usually means you're busy the night before scavenging the grocery store aisle for a last-minute card or making a mad dash for the florist the morning of Mothers Day. Wouldn't you love to do something a little different this year? It doesn't have to mean speding a load money, either. In fact, there are some simple ways to show her you care without ever spending a dime. You just need a little time and creativity.
Clue Hunt
For something fun and interactive, make mom a Mothers Day card, but instead of presenting to her first thing in the morning or setting it on the kitchen table, hide it. That's right, hide it in an inconspicuous place. Maybe in a sock drawer or in a bathtub. Just make sure it's out of the way where mom can't see. Then, cut out squares of construction paper (or just notebook paper if you prefer) giving hints as to where the next hint can be found. Eventually the clues will lead to your card.
Construction Paper Flowers for Mother's day
You may have to use some skill for this next one, but it's more fun than real flowers and will last forever rather than a week. Get a book full of construction paper and make flowers from them. Be as creative as you'd like! They don't have to be that intricate or even that realistic. After you've made quite a few, gather them and put them in a vase to add to the look.
Scrapbook For Mother's day
This one may take a little more time and creativity, but the end result will be a huge payoff and something mom will cherish forever. Collect pictures of you and mom (preferably loose photos, don't go digging through old photo albums!) and put them into a scrapbook. You could even include a caption beneath them, or if you're feeling really creative, you could write a little poem beneath each corresponding photo just to add that special, personal touch. Mom will love it!
Mom's Day Coupons
This idea is more geared toward younger children. Tucked inside of a card, include a few homemade "coupons". They could be for various things to help mom out, such as "one free back massage" or "one free car wash". Anything to make mom's life a little easier.
There are so many things you could do for mom without spending much money, and that are more personal than a conventional Mothers Day card. Just have fun with it and be creative about it. Mom will appreciate it more than anything you could ever buy her!
Clue Hunt
For something fun and interactive, make mom a Mothers Day card, but instead of presenting to her first thing in the morning or setting it on the kitchen table, hide it. That's right, hide it in an inconspicuous place. Maybe in a sock drawer or in a bathtub. Just make sure it's out of the way where mom can't see. Then, cut out squares of construction paper (or just notebook paper if you prefer) giving hints as to where the next hint can be found. Eventually the clues will lead to your card.
Construction Paper Flowers for Mother's day
You may have to use some skill for this next one, but it's more fun than real flowers and will last forever rather than a week. Get a book full of construction paper and make flowers from them. Be as creative as you'd like! They don't have to be that intricate or even that realistic. After you've made quite a few, gather them and put them in a vase to add to the look.
Scrapbook For Mother's day
This one may take a little more time and creativity, but the end result will be a huge payoff and something mom will cherish forever. Collect pictures of you and mom (preferably loose photos, don't go digging through old photo albums!) and put them into a scrapbook. You could even include a caption beneath them, or if you're feeling really creative, you could write a little poem beneath each corresponding photo just to add that special, personal touch. Mom will love it!
Mom's Day Coupons
This idea is more geared toward younger children. Tucked inside of a card, include a few homemade "coupons". They could be for various things to help mom out, such as "one free back massage" or "one free car wash". Anything to make mom's life a little easier.
There are so many things you could do for mom without spending much money, and that are more personal than a conventional Mothers Day card. Just have fun with it and be creative about it. Mom will appreciate it more than anything you could ever buy her!
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| Know What I've Got Here ? Gift your mom a virtual yummy cake on Mother's Day with this cute ecard. [ Interactive ] |
| Hi ! Mom... It's Me ! Pop out with bunch fulla hugs and kisses to greet your mom/ godmother/ step mom on Mother's Day. [ Flash ] | ||
| Me's Here With A Special Gift... Reach out to your mom or someone like her with a million dollar gift and make her smile. [ Interactive ] |
| A Treat For Your Eye... Surprise your mom on Mother's Day by sending her this sGift Card [ Interactive ] |
How To Spend Mothers Day at Home
In the past, Mothers Day meant taking your mother out to a fancy restaurant and treating her to a meal. It used to be that this was mom's way of getting a break. She didn't have to cook, and she didn't have to wash dishes. You could simply let her enjoy herself eating a meal that she didn't have to make or pay for.
However, the recent shift in Mother's Day celebrations has had many mom's wanting to spend the day at home with their families. It has become more of a custom to have mom rest at home, while the family takes care of her, getting her food and cleaning up and doing some of the chores. This has become something that is much more popular for many moms, and it has become more popular for a lot of reasons.
Stay At Home on Mother's day
First of all, the idea of getting dressed up and going to out to eat might seem fancy to a lot of moms who would rather just be at home. They don't' want to stress about what to wear and about having to be out in public with their families. Also going out does involve stress, especially if you have small children, and some moms might feel like they are working extra hard because they have to make sure their children behave in public.
To curb this idea, many moms prefer to stay at home. Their husbands and children can make them breakfast in bed and then the moms and the dads and the kids can spend the day together at home as a family. Many times the rest of the family will prepare a special Mothers Day meal for the mom, and she can simply sit back and watch. Then, they'll help out by doing the chores that mom usually does.
The reason that it has become more and more popular to spend Mothers Day at home with families is basically because that is what the day is intended to be about. The day shouldn't be about showing off your family and dressing up in fancy clothes to go to a restaurant. By staying at home, mothers can be surrounded by the people that they love, and the families can still show mom how important she is by cooking her food and by doing things for her during the day.
The main purpose behind Mothers Day is to show mom how important she is. Because of this, the day should be about the things that mom wants to do, and she should be able to choose how she spends her day. Most of the moms in the world want to spend their very own day with the family that they love, the family that they spend each of their days taking care of. If you ask your mom what she wants to do for Mothers Day, you'll find that most of the time she wants to be at home, close to those that she loves.
Being at home is the result of wanting to be with the people you care about the most. Don't be surprised if your mom or your wife doesn't want a fancy dinner on her special day. In fact, be honored that she would rather spend the day at home with you than go out to eat somewhere fancy. There are many things that you can do as a family for Mothers Day that your mom or your wife will appreciate more than a dinner. These can be as simple as playing a game together as a family, or even cooking together. No matter what, your mom wants to spend the day at home, with you!
However, the recent shift in Mother's Day celebrations has had many mom's wanting to spend the day at home with their families. It has become more of a custom to have mom rest at home, while the family takes care of her, getting her food and cleaning up and doing some of the chores. This has become something that is much more popular for many moms, and it has become more popular for a lot of reasons.
Stay At Home on Mother's day
First of all, the idea of getting dressed up and going to out to eat might seem fancy to a lot of moms who would rather just be at home. They don't' want to stress about what to wear and about having to be out in public with their families. Also going out does involve stress, especially if you have small children, and some moms might feel like they are working extra hard because they have to make sure their children behave in public.
To curb this idea, many moms prefer to stay at home. Their husbands and children can make them breakfast in bed and then the moms and the dads and the kids can spend the day together at home as a family. Many times the rest of the family will prepare a special Mothers Day meal for the mom, and she can simply sit back and watch. Then, they'll help out by doing the chores that mom usually does.
The reason that it has become more and more popular to spend Mothers Day at home with families is basically because that is what the day is intended to be about. The day shouldn't be about showing off your family and dressing up in fancy clothes to go to a restaurant. By staying at home, mothers can be surrounded by the people that they love, and the families can still show mom how important she is by cooking her food and by doing things for her during the day.
The main purpose behind Mothers Day is to show mom how important she is. Because of this, the day should be about the things that mom wants to do, and she should be able to choose how she spends her day. Most of the moms in the world want to spend their very own day with the family that they love, the family that they spend each of their days taking care of. If you ask your mom what she wants to do for Mothers Day, you'll find that most of the time she wants to be at home, close to those that she loves.
Being at home is the result of wanting to be with the people you care about the most. Don't be surprised if your mom or your wife doesn't want a fancy dinner on her special day. In fact, be honored that she would rather spend the day at home with you than go out to eat somewhere fancy. There are many things that you can do as a family for Mothers Day that your mom or your wife will appreciate more than a dinner. These can be as simple as playing a game together as a family, or even cooking together. No matter what, your mom wants to spend the day at home, with you!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Send Mother's day Flowers Across US and Other Countries
Same-day delivery is available in most areas Monday through Saturday on orders received before 1:00 pm weekdays, and 12:00 noon Saturdays, in the recipient's time zone (excluding holidays and peak floral periods). Otherwise, next-day delivery is the norm. Florist deliveries are generally NOT available on Sundays or legal holidays. At peak flower delivery periods, such as Christmas, Valentine's, and Mother's Day weeks, please order one or more days in advance, if possible. Our flowers, plants, and gift baskets are individually made and available in a variety of price ranges from fancy large styles to more modest smaller styles, as indicated. Some items may vary. Applicable sales tax and reduced online service fee ($7.95 per delivery) additional. Volume discounts are available! Prices in U.S. dollars.
Remember, Secretaries Week (April 22-28) and Mother's Day Week (May 7-13). Don't forget! Order Secretaries Day Flowers and Mothers Day Flowers online today!
Check out a few Flower delivery websites here
For Virtual flowers you can send free
Check out a few Flower delivery websites here
For Virtual flowers you can send free
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tips for Working Mothers returning After Maternity Break
Many women combine motherhood with a job or career outside the home. If you're a new mother planning to return to work, you may be wondering just how you're going to manage both successfully.
It will be a challenge, but being a working mother is something you can manage — if you plan ahead. Prepare yourself for the demands of being a working mother, including how you'll cope with leaving your baby and the logistics of breast-feeding.
Emotional issues for the working mother: Parting with your infant
Returning to work poses emotional conflicts for new mothers. You might have feelings of guilt over leaving your baby in child care, but you might also feel relieved to be back at work. You're juggling more in your life — not only the usual work hours, dinner preparation, household chores, time for yourself and time with your partner, but now the time-consuming tasks and pleasures of your new baby.
Here are some things you can do, both before you go on leave and once you return to your job, that can help ease your transition back to work.
Before you return to work
* Decide on a return-to-work date. Discuss with your employer your options for how much time you can take for maternity leave. You might not have the luxury of deciding whether or not to return to work, but you can take as much time as you're allowed. Choose a day that's later in the week to make your first week back to work a short one.
* Find dependable child care. The thought of leaving your newborn in someone else's care can be troubling. Finding a reliable child care provider whom you trust can ease your mind considerably. Your child care options range from individual in-home care to a child care center.
* Have a talk with your boss. Discuss your job duties and schedule so you'll know what's expected of you when you return. If your workplace offers some flexibility, ask about flexible hours or working from home on occasion. Be prepared to suggest ways of making a more flexible arrangement work.
Once you're back at work
* Manage your time and be organized. Combining a job with raising a child demands honed time management and organizational skills. You have a lot of responsibilities, and to make sure they're all attended to — and that you maintain some sense of sanity — set up a system for making sure everything gets done. Too many demands and not enough of you to go around means you may have to let less important matters slide.
* Stay connected. Find little ways to stay connected with your baby when you're away from him or her. Plan a daily phone call to see how your baby's doing. Keep some photos on your desk. Look forward to spending time with your baby that evening.
* Make backup plans. There will be days when your baby is sick or your child care center is closed. Be prepared with alternative plans on those days. Check with your employer beforehand about taking time off when your child is sick. Talk with a family member or close friend in advance about filling in if you can't bring your baby to child care.
* Accept that you'll feel guilty or sad at times. If you're like a lot of mothers, you'll struggle with feelings of guilt. You might feel sad that you can't spend as much time as you'd like with your baby. These feelings are common, and it might help to discuss them with your friends or other mothers in similar circumstances. Talk to your spouse about how you're feeling. If your sadness or guilty feelings are increasing or overwhelming, mention them to your doctor.
* Establish a support system. Give up trying to do it all yourself. Accept help from your partner, family members and friends. Seek out other working mothers who can offer support as you make the transition back to work.
* Take time for yourself. As difficult as this may seem, take time to nurture your own well-being. Taking the baby for a walk is enjoyable for your baby, and it's good exercise for you. Rely on easy-to-prepare meals or a relaxing bath after putting your baby to bed to help ease stress. If you feel less stressed, you'll be able to better enjoy your baby when you're together.
* Get as much rest as possible. You'll have times when you feel so tired you'll wonder how you can do it all. Unfortunately, fatigue goes hand in hand with being a new parent. Try going to bed early one night each week to catch up on sleep. Cut down on unnecessary commitments. Set aside time on weekends to take a nap while your baby is sleeping. The better rested you are, the easier it will be to handle those everyday problems that crop up.
Combining motherhood with work isn't easy. Certainly you'll have days when you won't feel like going to work, especially if your baby is fussy or seems particularly clingy. But as you and your child become used to your schedule, as your baby settles into a routine and as you become more adept at managing multiple demands, you'll learn how to handle these normal ups and downs.
It will be a challenge, but being a working mother is something you can manage — if you plan ahead. Prepare yourself for the demands of being a working mother, including how you'll cope with leaving your baby and the logistics of breast-feeding.
Emotional issues for the working mother: Parting with your infant
Returning to work poses emotional conflicts for new mothers. You might have feelings of guilt over leaving your baby in child care, but you might also feel relieved to be back at work. You're juggling more in your life — not only the usual work hours, dinner preparation, household chores, time for yourself and time with your partner, but now the time-consuming tasks and pleasures of your new baby.
Here are some things you can do, both before you go on leave and once you return to your job, that can help ease your transition back to work.
Before you return to work
* Decide on a return-to-work date. Discuss with your employer your options for how much time you can take for maternity leave. You might not have the luxury of deciding whether or not to return to work, but you can take as much time as you're allowed. Choose a day that's later in the week to make your first week back to work a short one.
* Find dependable child care. The thought of leaving your newborn in someone else's care can be troubling. Finding a reliable child care provider whom you trust can ease your mind considerably. Your child care options range from individual in-home care to a child care center.
* Have a talk with your boss. Discuss your job duties and schedule so you'll know what's expected of you when you return. If your workplace offers some flexibility, ask about flexible hours or working from home on occasion. Be prepared to suggest ways of making a more flexible arrangement work.
| An Angel From Above... A warm message to congratulate the happy parent(s). [ Flash ] |
| Congratulations !! A warm and beautiful message to congratulate your dear one on the arrival of a new baby. [ Flash ] |
Once you're back at work
* Manage your time and be organized. Combining a job with raising a child demands honed time management and organizational skills. You have a lot of responsibilities, and to make sure they're all attended to — and that you maintain some sense of sanity — set up a system for making sure everything gets done. Too many demands and not enough of you to go around means you may have to let less important matters slide.
* Stay connected. Find little ways to stay connected with your baby when you're away from him or her. Plan a daily phone call to see how your baby's doing. Keep some photos on your desk. Look forward to spending time with your baby that evening.
* Make backup plans. There will be days when your baby is sick or your child care center is closed. Be prepared with alternative plans on those days. Check with your employer beforehand about taking time off when your child is sick. Talk with a family member or close friend in advance about filling in if you can't bring your baby to child care.
* Accept that you'll feel guilty or sad at times. If you're like a lot of mothers, you'll struggle with feelings of guilt. You might feel sad that you can't spend as much time as you'd like with your baby. These feelings are common, and it might help to discuss them with your friends or other mothers in similar circumstances. Talk to your spouse about how you're feeling. If your sadness or guilty feelings are increasing or overwhelming, mention them to your doctor.
* Establish a support system. Give up trying to do it all yourself. Accept help from your partner, family members and friends. Seek out other working mothers who can offer support as you make the transition back to work.
* Take time for yourself. As difficult as this may seem, take time to nurture your own well-being. Taking the baby for a walk is enjoyable for your baby, and it's good exercise for you. Rely on easy-to-prepare meals or a relaxing bath after putting your baby to bed to help ease stress. If you feel less stressed, you'll be able to better enjoy your baby when you're together.
* Get as much rest as possible. You'll have times when you feel so tired you'll wonder how you can do it all. Unfortunately, fatigue goes hand in hand with being a new parent. Try going to bed early one night each week to catch up on sleep. Cut down on unnecessary commitments. Set aside time on weekends to take a nap while your baby is sleeping. The better rested you are, the easier it will be to handle those everyday problems that crop up.
Combining motherhood with work isn't easy. Certainly you'll have days when you won't feel like going to work, especially if your baby is fussy or seems particularly clingy. But as you and your child become used to your schedule, as your baby settles into a routine and as you become more adept at managing multiple demands, you'll learn how to handle these normal ups and downs.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Mother's day Gift Ideas For Mom Who is Away
If you can’t be with your mom this Mother's Day because the distance is too far to travel, that doesn’t mean you can’t give her the perfect gift instead. For an out of town mother, gift giving can be complicated. You don’t want to mail anything fragile, and flower delivery gets old after awhile. Here are some creative gift ideas for out of town mothers.
Mother's Day Homemade Cards and Stationery
You and your mother might be separated by distance, but that doesn’t mean you can’t communicate on a regular basis. Sure, you call or email each other, but nothing is quite as personal as a letter. If you and your mother don’t already write to each other, now’s the perfect time to start.
Go to a local craft store like Michaels and buy blank note card or stationery sets. Then, decorate the blank cards or stationery with rubber stamps and pictures cut out of magazines. Make a set for you and a set for your mother, and send your mother’s set to her with a note that explains she’d better start writing to you. For an extra touch, pre-address and stamp the envelopes. Mothers love homemade presents, and now you’ll never have an excuse to lose touch!
Travel Tickets
Got some frequent flier miles you don’t know what to do with? Use them to get your mom a plane ticket to see you this Mother’s Day. If flying your mother to see you is outside your budget, consider train tickets. Amtrak even offers a frequent rider ticket between some locations that your mother can use several times for as long as the ticket is good.
Coffee or Chocolate of the Month Clubs
Does mom have a sweet tooth or a coffee addiction? Consider getting her a gift subscription to a gourmet coffee or chocolate of the month club for Mother’s Day. You won’t have to ship anything yourself, and your mother will know how much you love her all year long.
Day-in-the-Life Scrapbook
If your mother lives really far away and visits are infrequent, make her a scrapbook filled with pictures of you, your family and friends, your home, your pets, your job, and anything else that matters to you. Write captions explaining who and what the pictures are. You can lay out the scrapbook to detail a day in your life, or as a pretend visit where you introduce your mom to all your friends and coworkers and give her a tour of your town. Your mother will be impressed with all the effort you put into her Mother’s Day gift, and she’ll feel as good as if she actually got to visit.
If your mother recently relocated, consider sending her a Home Depot gift card for Mother’s Day. She probably needs things like towel racks and plants to decorate her new place, and a home improvement gift card will show her that you support her decision to move. Your Mother’s Day gift can also double as an absentee housewarming present.
By Esther November 
Associated Content
Mother's Day Homemade Cards and Stationery
You and your mother might be separated by distance, but that doesn’t mean you can’t communicate on a regular basis. Sure, you call or email each other, but nothing is quite as personal as a letter. If you and your mother don’t already write to each other, now’s the perfect time to start.
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| A Lot Of Things Have Changed... As you miss your mom on Mother's Day... share some warm thoughts with her by sending this beautiful ecard. [ Flash ] |
| Know Who I'm Missing The Most ? Express how much you are missing her with this cute mother's ecard. [ Flash ] |
Go to a local craft store like Michaels and buy blank note card or stationery sets. Then, decorate the blank cards or stationery with rubber stamps and pictures cut out of magazines. Make a set for you and a set for your mother, and send your mother’s set to her with a note that explains she’d better start writing to you. For an extra touch, pre-address and stamp the envelopes. Mothers love homemade presents, and now you’ll never have an excuse to lose touch!
Travel Tickets
Got some frequent flier miles you don’t know what to do with? Use them to get your mom a plane ticket to see you this Mother’s Day. If flying your mother to see you is outside your budget, consider train tickets. Amtrak even offers a frequent rider ticket between some locations that your mother can use several times for as long as the ticket is good.
Coffee or Chocolate of the Month Clubs
Does mom have a sweet tooth or a coffee addiction? Consider getting her a gift subscription to a gourmet coffee or chocolate of the month club for Mother’s Day. You won’t have to ship anything yourself, and your mother will know how much you love her all year long.
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| You Are The Woman I Want To Be ! In a poetic way say a warm thank you to your mom for all her love 'n care. [ Animated ] |
| The One I Can Never Do Without... Send this beautiful mother's day poem to your mom or someone like her for always being there for you. [ Flash ] |
Day-in-the-Life Scrapbook
If your mother lives really far away and visits are infrequent, make her a scrapbook filled with pictures of you, your family and friends, your home, your pets, your job, and anything else that matters to you. Write captions explaining who and what the pictures are. You can lay out the scrapbook to detail a day in your life, or as a pretend visit where you introduce your mom to all your friends and coworkers and give her a tour of your town. Your mother will be impressed with all the effort you put into her Mother’s Day gift, and she’ll feel as good as if she actually got to visit.
If your mother recently relocated, consider sending her a Home Depot gift card for Mother’s Day. She probably needs things like towel racks and plants to decorate her new place, and a home improvement gift card will show her that you support her decision to move. Your Mother’s Day gift can also double as an absentee housewarming present.
Associated Content
Mothers day : ways of Supring your mom
There are various ways to celebrate mother’s day. Young Children can let their mom know how special they are by inviting mm to a movie. Take the movie section from a recent newspaper to your florist and ask him or her to place it in a box of flowers. Decorate the outside of the box with movie candy or candy and popcorn wrappers. Include a card letting mom know she gets to pick the movie and you'll buy the tickets and treats (Dad may have to help with this one).
Another unique way for young children and dad to celebrate Mothers day is to send mom on a floral treasure hunt. Purchase several single stems of flowers. Have your florist place a flower tube on each one. Hide the flowers around the house and give mom clues to lead her to each one. Make the last find a vase to place the flowers in and a note letting her know what a treasure she is. She is sure to love these.
Another simple task would be to let her have the day off; Dad would take over and send mom on a relaxation day. She doesn’t even have to leave the house. Serve her breakfast in bed, with her favorite flower, bubble bath, a movie of her choice and a nice dinner. If that isn’t what you mom would like for her mothers day; you can never go wrong with jewelry, dinner out on the town, a nice weekend getaway, or simply a card and her favorite candy.
The children and Dad can make this a wonderful mother’s day by adding a little imagination and celebrating all day! Hide little gifts around the house and outside, letting her know exactly how wonderful you think she is on mother’s day and every other day of the year. Make mother’s day a real celebration.
By karis welty
Another unique way for young children and dad to celebrate Mothers day is to send mom on a floral treasure hunt. Purchase several single stems of flowers. Have your florist place a flower tube on each one. Hide the flowers around the house and give mom clues to lead her to each one. Make the last find a vase to place the flowers in and a note letting her know what a treasure she is. She is sure to love these.
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| You're Appreciated... On Mother's Day send this warm mother's day ecard bouquet to your mom. [ Postcard ] |
| I Cannot Do Without U ! A beautiful Mother's day card to appreciate someone close to your heart on Mother's Day. [ Postcard ] | ||
| I May Not Say It Often... With this warm ecard say thanks to someone dear on Mother's Day. [ Animated ] |
| A Li'l Note To Say... With this lovely mom's day postcardsto tell your mom a heartfelt thanks for everything she does for you. [ Flash ] |
Another simple task would be to let her have the day off; Dad would take over and send mom on a relaxation day. She doesn’t even have to leave the house. Serve her breakfast in bed, with her favorite flower, bubble bath, a movie of her choice and a nice dinner. If that isn’t what you mom would like for her mothers day; you can never go wrong with jewelry, dinner out on the town, a nice weekend getaway, or simply a card and her favorite candy.
The children and Dad can make this a wonderful mother’s day by adding a little imagination and celebrating all day! Hide little gifts around the house and outside, letting her know exactly how wonderful you think she is on mother’s day and every other day of the year. Make mother’s day a real celebration.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Mothers day Tributes Greeting Cards
Your mom... a nurturer, teacher, friend, guide... she has proved herself in all these innumerable roles and you know that she's #1. On Mother's Day take the opportunity to thank and appreciate her for all the li'l things by handing her a best mom certificate,taking mom out for dinner or lunch or by giving her complete day off to enjoy the special day. Make Mother's Day as beautiful as her by sending a sweet 'n cute Bestest Mom ecard.Today is the perfect day to pay tribute to you mom and tell her how special she is to you .
Today Is Mother's Day ! Express your love to your mom as you send her this warm 'n beautiful mother's day ecard. [ Flash ] | Click On The Tiny Box... Surprise your mom/ grandma/ godmother/ aunt/ wife with a big thank you for all the li'l things she does for you. [ Interactive ] | ||||
Have A Bee-utiful Day ! With virtual hugs and kisses wish all the wonderful moms on Mother's Day. [ Flash ] | Mother's Day Is The Perfect Time... A beautiful ecard and thought to wish a wonderful woman 'n mom 'Happy Mother's Day'. [ Flash ] | ||||
I Just Wanna Say... Say 'Thank You' to your mom or someone as wonderful as her with this cute virtuak mom's day ecard. [ Flash ] | Mother's Day... Is The Perfect Day... A beautiful ecard for a wonderful mother on Mother's Day. [ Flash ] | ||||
Am Here To Do My Fav Activity... This virtual squeeze is surely going to fetch a smile for your mom/ sis/ grandma/ aunt/ loved one. [ Flash ] | Mom, I Know Sometimes I've Been... With a bunch of flowers 'n a warm mom's day e-hug wish your mom and make her day a special. [ Interactive ] | ||||
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Mother's day Trivia
Mothers' Day is celebrated in almost all the parts of the world. And in every part there is some or other interesting tradition related to this special occasion. This special day devoted to the mothers in the entire world has trivia as well in its account. We are sharing the same with you on this Mothers' Day here in the following Mother's day Trivia
* Feasts celebrating mothers have existed throughout the world since the beginning of time. The modern version of Mother's Day in the United States was first observed in 1907.
* Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia decided that it would be a wonderful way to honor her deceased mother. Two years later, Jarvis and friends began a letter-writing campaign to create a Mother's Day observance.
* Soon after, in 1914, the US Congress passed legislation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
* It is a tradition in China that family names often begin with a sign that means "mother". It is a nice way of honoring their moms long past.
* The ancient Greeks celebrated Mother's Day in spring just like we do.
* Greeks used to honor Rhea, "mother" of the godswith honey-cakes and fine drinks and flowers at dawn.
* Mother Shipton was a Prophetess in Britain 500 years ago. She could see the future, and predicted that another Queen Elizabeth would sit on the throne of England. (QE II)
* Rosa Parks was the mother of bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama that launched the Civil Rights Movement.
* Japan's Imperial family traces its descent from Omikami Amaterasu, the Mother of the World.
* Mother's Day is now celebrated in many countries around the world. Australia, Mexico, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Russia, China, Thailand, all have special celebrations to honor Mothers, but not in the same way or on the same day as the United States.
* Julia Ward Howe wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic and was a staunch fighter for women's rights. She staged an unusual protest for peace in Boston, by celebrating a special day for mothers. Julia wanted to call attention to the need for peace by pointing out mothers who were left alone in the world without their sons and husbands after the bloody Franco-Prussian War.
* Hindu scripture credits the Great Mother, Kali Ma, with the invention of writing through alphabets, pictographs and beautiful sacred images.
* Mother Goose is one of the most popular of all children's entertainers. Her books and stories have been loved for many generations.
* Native American Indian women have long been honored with the name, "Life of the Nation" for their gift of motherhood to the tribes.
* Ancient Egyptians believed that "Bastwas the mother of all cats on Earth, and that cats were sacred animals.
* Buddha honored mothers when he said, "As a mother, even at the risk of her own life, loves and protects her child, so let a man cultivate love without measure toward the whole world.
* In the Bible, Eve is credited with being the "Mother of All the Living.
* During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday.Servants would go home to see their families, bringing cakes and sweets to their moms. This custom was called "going a-mothering". Each mother would receive a simnel-cake (Latin for "fine flour") and mothers would give a blessing to their children.
* Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia began the campaign that brought about the official observance of Mother's Day in the United States. Her mother died, and Anna wanted all mothers to be remembered. She asked that white carnations be the official mother's day symbol. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed the orders that made Mother's Day a national holiday.
* Just nine years later, Anna filed a lawsuit in an effort to stop the over- commercialization of Mother's Day. She lost her fight. Now, cards, letters, candy and dinners out mark Mother's Day for most families. Anna had hoped for a day of reflection and quiet prayer by families, thanking God for all that mothers had done.
* Mother Earth is also known as "Terra Firma". That title is a Latin translation of some lines from one of the Greek poet, Homer's, greatest poems.
* In Yugoslavia on "Materitse," Materice, or Mother's Day, the children tie up their mother, releasing her only when she has paid them with sweets or other goodies.
* In France children Mother's Day is refered to as Fete des Meres. It provides children and adults to honour their mothers and give her gifts and treats. Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. It is treated more like a family birthday. Everyone in the family gathers for a special meal.
* In Europe, people on Mother's Day honor their mothers as well as the church. They respect the "Mother Church"- the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm. The church festival got blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration.
* In Spain Mother's Day is celebrated on 8th December. It is closely associated with Mother Mary - the mother of Jesus. On this children send special cards, chocolates, flowers and other presents to their mothers. But many children make their own presents for their mothers.
* In Sweden Mother's Day is on the last Sunday in May and is a family holiday. The Swedish Red Cross sells small plastic flowers on the days leading up to Mother's Day. The money raised from the sale of the flowers is used to help needy mothers and their children.
* 52 % of the words for mother in the material have ma/me/mo or na/ne/no in the root syllable poems.
* An AT&T survey estimated that 122.5 million phone calls to Mom are made on Mother's Day.
* Other Mother's Day findings revealed that 11 percent never call their mothers, and 3 percent of the 68 percent planning to ring Mom up called her collect.
* In the vast majority of the world's languages, the word for "mother begins with the letter M.
* Feasts celebrating mothers have existed throughout the world since the beginning of time. The modern version of Mother's Day in the United States was first observed in 1907.
* Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia decided that it would be a wonderful way to honor her deceased mother. Two years later, Jarvis and friends began a letter-writing campaign to create a Mother's Day observance.
* Soon after, in 1914, the US Congress passed legislation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
* It is a tradition in China that family names often begin with a sign that means "mother". It is a nice way of honoring their moms long past.
* The ancient Greeks celebrated Mother's Day in spring just like we do.
* Greeks used to honor Rhea, "mother" of the godswith honey-cakes and fine drinks and flowers at dawn.
* Mother Shipton was a Prophetess in Britain 500 years ago. She could see the future, and predicted that another Queen Elizabeth would sit on the throne of England. (QE II)
* Rosa Parks was the mother of bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama that launched the Civil Rights Movement.
* Japan's Imperial family traces its descent from Omikami Amaterasu, the Mother of the World.
* Mother's Day is now celebrated in many countries around the world. Australia, Mexico, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Russia, China, Thailand, all have special celebrations to honor Mothers, but not in the same way or on the same day as the United States.
* Julia Ward Howe wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic and was a staunch fighter for women's rights. She staged an unusual protest for peace in Boston, by celebrating a special day for mothers. Julia wanted to call attention to the need for peace by pointing out mothers who were left alone in the world without their sons and husbands after the bloody Franco-Prussian War.
* Hindu scripture credits the Great Mother, Kali Ma, with the invention of writing through alphabets, pictographs and beautiful sacred images.
* Mother Goose is one of the most popular of all children's entertainers. Her books and stories have been loved for many generations.
* Native American Indian women have long been honored with the name, "Life of the Nation" for their gift of motherhood to the tribes.
* Ancient Egyptians believed that "Bastwas the mother of all cats on Earth, and that cats were sacred animals.
* Buddha honored mothers when he said, "As a mother, even at the risk of her own life, loves and protects her child, so let a man cultivate love without measure toward the whole world.
* In the Bible, Eve is credited with being the "Mother of All the Living.
* During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday.Servants would go home to see their families, bringing cakes and sweets to their moms. This custom was called "going a-mothering". Each mother would receive a simnel-cake (Latin for "fine flour") and mothers would give a blessing to their children.
* Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia began the campaign that brought about the official observance of Mother's Day in the United States. Her mother died, and Anna wanted all mothers to be remembered. She asked that white carnations be the official mother's day symbol. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed the orders that made Mother's Day a national holiday.
* Just nine years later, Anna filed a lawsuit in an effort to stop the over- commercialization of Mother's Day. She lost her fight. Now, cards, letters, candy and dinners out mark Mother's Day for most families. Anna had hoped for a day of reflection and quiet prayer by families, thanking God for all that mothers had done.
* Mother Earth is also known as "Terra Firma". That title is a Latin translation of some lines from one of the Greek poet, Homer's, greatest poems.
* In Yugoslavia on "Materitse," Materice, or Mother's Day, the children tie up their mother, releasing her only when she has paid them with sweets or other goodies.
* In France children Mother's Day is refered to as Fete des Meres. It provides children and adults to honour their mothers and give her gifts and treats. Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. It is treated more like a family birthday. Everyone in the family gathers for a special meal.
* In Europe, people on Mother's Day honor their mothers as well as the church. They respect the "Mother Church"- the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm. The church festival got blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration.
* In Spain Mother's Day is celebrated on 8th December. It is closely associated with Mother Mary - the mother of Jesus. On this children send special cards, chocolates, flowers and other presents to their mothers. But many children make their own presents for their mothers.
* In Sweden Mother's Day is on the last Sunday in May and is a family holiday. The Swedish Red Cross sells small plastic flowers on the days leading up to Mother's Day. The money raised from the sale of the flowers is used to help needy mothers and their children.
* 52 % of the words for mother in the material have ma/me/mo or na/ne/no in the root syllable poems.
* An AT&T survey estimated that 122.5 million phone calls to Mom are made on Mother's Day.
* Other Mother's Day findings revealed that 11 percent never call their mothers, and 3 percent of the 68 percent planning to ring Mom up called her collect.
* In the vast majority of the world's languages, the word for "mother begins with the letter M.
Mothers day Celebration Ideas
Though it should be the duty of every individual to try to please his or her mother in every possible way on each day of the year. But there are some special days in the year when the sons and daughters are supposed to behave in a specific manner. One of such special days is the Mother’s Day. It is the day when all the children should play the role of an ideal son or daughter accordingly. You should plan this day in advance depending on how you want to celebrate this day.
Of course for the celebrations you should plan something different and unusual from your daily activities. Give your mom special and if possible royal treatment on the Mother’s Day because she deserves special attention on this day. Let her realize how important she is for her son or daughter, how much they love her and care for her. Just make this Mother’s Day unforgettable for your mom. You can do so by celebrating this special day in any of the following unusual ways…
Mother's Day Celebration Ideas
- Do Household Work
- Cook Meal
- Arrange A Get Together
- Take Her Out For Lunch
- Take Her For Spa Treatment
- Take Your Mom To Picnic
- Do Something Special
- Take Her To Shopping
- Take Her To Movie
Of course for the celebrations you should plan something different and unusual from your daily activities. Give your mom special and if possible royal treatment on the Mother’s Day because she deserves special attention on this day. Let her realize how important she is for her son or daughter, how much they love her and care for her. Just make this Mother’s Day unforgettable for your mom. You can do so by celebrating this special day in any of the following unusual ways…
Mother's Day Celebration Ideas
- Do Household Work
- Cook Meal
- Arrange A Get Together
- Take Her Out For Lunch
- Take Her For Spa Treatment
- Take Your Mom To Picnic
- Do Something Special
- Take Her To Shopping
- Take Her To Movie
| Just For You... Wish your mom with this beautiful Mother's day rose ecard [ Postcard ] |
| Have A Bee-utiful Day ! With virtual hugs and kisses wish all the wonderful moms on Mother's Day. [ Flash ] |
Mother's Day : Flowers | Mother's Day : Happy Mother's Day |
| A Great Friend... A Wonderful Mother ! A warm mother's day egreeting to make your mom special [ Flash ] |
| Today Is Mother's Day ! Express your love to your mom as you send her this warm 'n beautiful ecard. [ Flash ] |
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