Thursday, February 10, 2011

Harmonize with Nature

The temperature outside is currently 2 degrees, but the sun is shining brightly and I know spring will be here soon. Spring time is one of the best seasons of  the year. Everything starts out brand new.
At the start of spring,the spring equinox,day and night are approximately 12 hours long and the Sun is at the midpoint of the sky. Our north pole tilts towards the Sun.

SPRING EQUINOX March 20, 7:21 P.M. EDT/Just over a month away.

Ayurveda, yoga's sister science and one of the the oldest systems of healing, shows us that the key to feeling in step with the seasons is to harmonize with nature. Breathe in fresh air, meditate, love and respect our surroundings.
Spring Ritual....... Gather seeds to represent the things you want to grow during the new year .To add another layer of meaning to this ritual choose seeds, which represent to you personal growth,wisdom,

understanding, patience, etc. Visualize those qualities coming into 

full bloom in your life as you plant your seeds.

As you plant them, bless the seeds honoring the 4 elements: pat the seed in the dirt (earth), water it, blow on it (air) and light a candle by it (fire) or hold up to the sun. Express your gratitude to all the people, places and things that have gotten you to this point in your life. Invite the seeds out the formlessness of winter’s dreaming…asking them and yourself to awaken to the light of spring – to grow and thrive with new life and new possibility.

Springtime is magical. As nature moves out of the cold and into the warmth of  spring, New life emerges the earth warms, and blossoms unfurl, reaching for the sun. Nature makes it look smooth, but for us it's not as easy to transition gracefully from one season to the next. Embrace the outdoors. Once it starts to warm Start your day with outdoor yoga stretching and deep breathing. Set up an outside area to create in.

My new spring crafts and art projects will focus on using what nature has to offer us, recycling and giving back.
Look forward to a bright, beautiful, Happy spring.

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