Hershey's Kiss Roses
Use leftover red plastic wrap from Christmas to make these sweet roses for Valentine's Day, they are very inexpensive to make and guaranteed to be a big hit!
You can either give a single Hershey Kiss Rose or wrap them together by the dozen for your special sweetheart.
Here are the supplies needed for each rose...
2 Hershey's Kiss chocolate candies, any flavor
Pink or red cellophane wrap
Floral stems (with at least 1 or 2 leaves)
Green floral tape
Place the two Hershey's Kisses together, bottom end to bottom end, and hold in place. Wrap the Kisses with a small square of cellophane from top to bottom, creating a rose like shape.
Gather the cellophane together at the bottom of the rosebud, but before twisting the cellophane completely closed, add a pre-cut floral stem with the leaf close to the bud.
Wrap the bottom cellophane closed with floral tape, going around the stem and pulling it tight all the way down to the end.
Now you can make your own or
These will be on sale along with etched glass vases for valentines day at Glass City Gifts on Etsy.
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