Aye, matey, this be a free pirate party invitation, suitable for pirates young and old. This A7- or A4-sized invitation; which simulates a washed-up pirate chest with pirate coins, sand, water droplets and ferns; could certainly be used as a boys birthday party invitation (or even one for a young pirate-loving girl). But I think adults would find it useful too.
I'm very happy with the way this invitation turned out, which is due in no small part to images I obtained from WP Clip Art and Jamie Dell Scraps pirate booty freebie kit. Both offer some wonderful free pirate images.
There are three other invitation designs on my free pirate party invitations hub, plus ideas for making pirate party cakes, a link to a pirate glossary and other pirate-party-related tips and resources. You can find the instructions for making these invitations at the previous link or by clicking on the yellow button below:

You are welcome to make these pirate party invitations for yourself or for others. But you may not sell this invitation template or represent it as your own work. You may post an image of it, however, to your blog or Web site if you provide this link near the image: Free pirate party invitation courtesy of PrintablePartyInvitations.Blogspot.com. Thanks!
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